Survey says?
The American Kennel Club recently announced survey findings concluding that dog owners look for canine qualities in their human partners. Highlights include:
* 33% of men said the number one canine quality they wished their women had is “always being in a good mood.”
* 66% of dog owners said they wouldn’t even consider dating someone who didn’t like their dog.
* 18% of dog owners said they either have included (or would include) their dog in their wedding ceremony. (Someone very close to me included her dog in her engagement picture....)
* Sixty percent of dog owners said if they split up with their significant other, they’d definitely get the dog.
In addition, below are qualities/traits that singles may find appealing and a dog that possesses said qualities.
Loyal- German Shepherd Dog, Norwegian Elkhound
Sense of Humor- Boston Terrier, French Bulldog
Good Listener- Poodle, Portuguese Water Dog
Athletic- Border Collie, Doberman
Faithful Servant- Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever
Non snoring- Dachshund, Parson Russell Terrier
Ideal couch potato to watch sports- Bulldog, Pomeranian
Intelligent- Wire Fox Terrier
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